Enterro da Gata (portuguese for
The Burial of the Cat) is a major event that takes place in Braga (Portugal) every year in May, before the beginning of the study period preceding the school year's last exams. The
cat represents the unwanted academic failure.
The week starts off with the funeral and the Serenata (Serenade) on Friday, reaching its peak with the Cortejo Académico (Academic Parade) on Wednesday, when students from the universities march through the downtown streets till they reach the city hall, where they greet the Mayor.
During every night of the week a series of concerts takes place on the event's venue; the students in the second year build small tents where alcoholic beverages are sold to finance their parade through the city.
Here are the artists that will perform on the event.
Why am I telling you about this? Because a friend of mine invited me to work as a DJ on Tuesday (May 15th) in a tent, and I accepted.
I'll be working on my set for the next couple of days, and of course I'll be having fun with my friends at the venue.
Someone suggested I should publish my music selection for the session and I really liked the idea, so it will be posted when the event is over.
I'll try to give my best and I hope people have fun listening to my set. Stay tuned!