Sigur Rós - Ekki Múkk

The first single off the Sigur Rós forthcoming LP Valtari was released yesterday.

Ekki Múkk is a track that reveals the band is somewhat returning to their roots, since it sounds much more calm and floaty than the most songs from their previous record (Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust).

Valtari features an eight-song tracklist and has it release scheduled for May 28.

sigur ros valtari
1. Ég Anda
2. Ekki Múkk

3. Varúð

4. Rembihnútur
5. Dauðalogn
6. Varðeldur
7. Valtari
8. Fjögur Píanó


  1. The player isn't working for me.

  2. As ALWAYS, Sigur Ros just rockin' it, mang! Good shit as always!

  3. I'm commenting here about your best of 2011 page, that looks GREAT, I can tell a lot of work went into that.
