Music may harm your studying

Don't you usually listen to music while you're studying? Well, if not, I'm pretty sure that a lot of people do that, and guess what? Putting background music while you study is not a good idea, since it may be working against you!

I was surfing around the web, searching for possible reasons for my not so good marks at college, and found an article which was very helpful to me. I'm going to select the essential ideas, but you can read the whole article here.

Researchers at the University of Wales Institute in Cardiff, United Kingdom, looked at the ability to recall information in the presence of different sounds.

The study found that participants performed worst while listening to music. They did the best in the quiet!

Music may impair cognitive abilities because if you're trying to memorize things, you may get thrown off by the changing words and notes in your chosen song.

When you hear something you like, it heightens your arousal and mood, which improves performance.

This research suggests that it might be better to study for an exam in quiet, or listen to music beforehand.

In conclusion: if you want to have a good study performance, you should listen to something you really like before you start studying, and not while you're doing it!
I should've known this in the last semester.. damn, lol.


  1. I always listen to music when I study, it seems to help me concentrate but maybe it's not working so good.

    When the next semester starts I gonna study with and without music and try to see which works better for me.

  2. Hm, I often find that not listening to music prevents me from studying. I must have conditioned myself. Hehe.
    Tech Me

  3. This is definitely true for me. I can't concentrate nearly as well when I'm listening to music. Good thing I'm not listening to it now, or I would probably misread and misunderstand this whole post.

  4. Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains

  5. thats not true, studying harms my music

  6. Yeah sometimes having music on makes it hard to concentrate.
