Jeff Buckley - Grace

Jeff Buckley was an American singer-songwriter and guitarist. After a decade as a guitarist-for-hire in Los Angeles in the early 90s, Buckley signed with Columbia, recruited a band, and recorded what would be his only studio album - Grace (1994).

Over the following two years, the band toured widely to promote the album. In 1997, Buckley moved to Memphis, Tennessee, to resume work on his second album - My Sweetheart the Drunk. While awaiting the arrival of his band from New York, he drowned during a spontaneous evening swim in the Wolf River, when he was caught in the wake of a passing boat.

He is considered as one of the most remarkable musical artists of his generation, acclaimed by audiences, critics, and fellow musicians alike.


  1. Jeff Buckley, que senhor! Acho que quando descobri este homem e a música dele mudou um bocadinho a minha vida, sinceramente! Diz-me muito, e diz-me de vários momentos da minha vida.
    E acabas-te de me dar uma notícia fantástica, não sabia que havia o documentário :) Tenho que ver!

  2. Também não fazia ideia que existia um documentário! Ontem é que andava nas minhas pesquisas pelo youtube e encontrei o trailer, e achei interessante partilhar aqui. A ver se também o vejo!

  3. One of the best !

    Have a super weekend.

  4. Cool blog, pal! followed, MC-hammer style!!!

  5. this is a blog mmmm
